“Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little.
Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.”
- Psalm 2:12
Welcome, Friends, Neighbors, Brothers and Sisters…
What is “Holy Orthodox Anglican”? A little-known but zealous, passionate and penitent order, chapel, and church, bearing Patriarchal blessing, Episcopal approval and Apostolic succession. Our primary distinction from other Anglicans is our sincere belief that the Church has a much older history than what is commonly taught.
The history of our Church can be traced back to the earliest Christians of Roman Britain, when we began an ascent to become a great army of missionaries, ministers, and martyrs who would go on to convert nations and defend the cross across the globe.
In fraternity with the Brothers of St. Augustine of Canterbury, the Global Anglican Future Conference, the Orthodox Church, the Roman Church, and the Anglican Communion. Originally a part of the Church of England. Currently, at odds with Canterbury due to our observation of heretical actions taken in recent days, namely the defilement of our most holy cathedrals.
We seek to work in blessed brotherhood and Christian harmony with any and all believers who would join in communion with us in order to honor our Almighty God and His tree of faith upon the earth, the Apostolic church, to tend to afflicted hearts and souls, and spread the Gospel of our benevolent and illuminating Lord Jesus Christ.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.